Monday, 12 June 2017

Sunday Fun! #birthdayparty

Yesterday some awesome dear friends of mine, (and my family's) came over for a birthday party.   We had a ton of fun together!  (like usual)  I took some pictures, (or I should say I attempted to remember to take pictures) of the day.  They're not very good since I took them with my iPod, but oh well!  :)

Before they came over though, my fam and I had some good relaxing time with eachother.  Come lunchtime, we ordered pizza!  So my dad, 2 of my brothers and I went to town to pick the food up. (I even got to drive!  I had passed my learners test on June 9th)  

                      Josiah, Coden and Myself.                              

When the Pauls Family first came over yesterday, we went swimming, which we did for most of the afternoon.   Sadly though I didn't get any pictures of that, because I was, well swimming!  But after we played a game, ate some candy and then it was supper time!

Mrs. Pauls, Mr. Pauls, and my wonderful mother.

My sweet dear friend Kerri. <3
(sorry about the bad picture Ker :p)

Bryer, Caleb, and Jaden

The lovely parents themselves. :)

After supper, we decided to play a game called Rocks.  

Bryer and Zach.  These two are something else. :)

 All of us kids together :) except Jen, she had an errand to run, so she couldn't be here.  Okay, some of us aren't exactly kids anymore, but you get the idea. :)

These little boys are some of the funniest little people ever.  Eli, Jaden, Coden, and Joey.

After the game and enjoying some more time with these fun folks,we all came inside to eat some ice cream cake. :)

Swimming, games, yummy food, and eating cake by the fire with friends.  That was the day yesterday.  Twas a lot of fun.  :)

1 comment:

Jennifer Penner said...

Love this post! I'm sorry I missed out on playing rocks... and that ice cream cake! ;) Oh, and I got you covered on the swimming pictures, coming soon to a blog near you. :)